College of Nursing Healthy Food Hacks

Healthy Hack: Frozen Cauliflower

Throw it in a smoothie!

Lynn Sleeth, Director of Student Success for the College of Nursing has a healthy food hack: Frozen cauliflower! Lynn throws frozen, riced cauliflower in her smoothies. Cauliflower is high in vitamins C and K, and a good source of folate, which supports cell growth. Try it in your smoothies or a big Buddha bowl!


Healthy Hack: Hemp Seeds!

A Beacon of Plant-Based goodness.

April Lovett, the College of Nursing Director for Assessment and Evaluation and the Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Committee, swears by hemp seeds as a healthy food hack. A fully plant-based connoisseur, she throws hemp seeds on everything from oatmeal to salads! Hemp seeds are full of nutrients, protein, and omega-3 and-6 fatty acids. They have a very mild, slightly nutty taste that goes with everything. Look for them in the health food aisle or the cereal aisle!


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