Faculty & Staff Resources

Text says develop strategies to manage stress with picture of person doing yoga on the right hand side

Combating Stress

Stress amongst nurses is one of the most underappreciated yet impactful issues nurses face. Stress often affects the health of nurses and sometimes even the outcomes of patients and patient care. The Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN) initiative provides resources, blogs, and a community of nurses for support. 

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FSU Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) incorporates several employee services including Brief Intervention/Short-term Counseling (to address personal and/or workplace concerns), Supervisor Consults, Organizational Development/Training, Mediation, an Emergency Loan Fund (ELF), and Crisis Intervention.

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Free Mobile Apps for Your Health

Check out these free mobile apps that help with everything from addiction to meditation to sleep to stress, and more! 

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Find What Moves You with Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation facilities are just steps away from the College of Nursing! Hit the gym, get a personal trainer, workout with friends in a small group, join a fitness class, take a swim, or relax in the spa. Check out Campus Recreation membership options for faculty, staff, and their affiliates.

*Some health insurance options offer cash-back incentives annually for gym memberships so check out your plan to see if it helps offset gym membership costs! 

Campus Rec Membership Options about Lorem Ipsum

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Find Other Fitness Centers and Gyms in Tallahassee

The My Area 850 Network has compiled a list of gyms and fitness centers around Tallahassee. Check out the options for a variety of open fitness times, locations, and equipment and amenity options that appeal to you!

*Some health insurance options offer cash-back incentives annually for gym memberships so check out your plan to see if it helps offset gym membership costs! 

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Join the FSU College of Nursing Step Up Challenge! 

In January 2024, the FSU College of Nursing took 14,589,136 steps, which equated to over 6,631 miles! Join us for community, competition, and encouragement as we stride toward success together with our Step Up Challenge!

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Sign Up for Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN) 

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN), an American Nurses Association initiative, is dedicated to improving the nation's health- one nurse at a time. We strongly encourage you to join the HNHN and participate in the challenges alongside fellow nurses from around the nation! Create an account and get started with the link below!

I am Committed to Being a Healthy Nurse

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Ready to Assess Your Relationship with Alcohol?

This Naked Mind is a tool to help you understand your relationship to alcohol and decide if you are happy with it as it stands, if you want to drink less, or if you want to stop drinking altogether. Through education and enlightenment based on the most recent insights across psychology and neuroscience, you're able to change your relationship with alcohol without pain, rules, and missing out. The Naked Mind app is free to download on iOS and Android, and the 30 Day Alcohol Experiment is FREE.

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Quit Smoking or Help Patients Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the most dangerous health habits in the world and can cause heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, gum disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and more. According to this NIH study, 16% of healthcare and social assistance sector workers are current smokers. Quitting may be crucial to your health, or the health of your current or future patients. Learn more about Tobacco Free Florida and their free resources below.

Tobacco Free Florida

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Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine is the prioritization of diet and nutrition as an important part of treating and preventing some chronic diseases. The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) supports the use of evidence-based food as medicine interventions. Click the link below to explore more about incorporating nutrition principles in your healthcare practice and in your own lifestyle (including FREE curriculum and resources!).

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Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Nutrition Discussion Board

Check out the HNHN Nutrition discussion board to keep up with your fellow nurses and see their nutrition goals! 

HNHN Nutrition Discussion Board about Lorem Ipsum

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Eating On Campus?

Seminole Dining offers resources related to nutrition, health, and wellness in the dining halls.

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Share Your Favorite Healthy Tips, Tricks, and Recipes!

What are your healthy tips, tricks, or recipes?  We want to know! You may be featured in the FSU College of Nursing Newsletter! 

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Sleep for Success

We need sleep to think clearly, react quickly, and create memories. In fact, the pathways in the brain that help us learn and remember are very active when we sleep. Studies show people who are taught mentally challenging tasks do better after a good nights sleep. Click the Guide to Healthy Sleep below to learn more.

Guide to Healthy Sleep about Lorem Ipsum

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Mindfulness Exercises for Sleep and Relaxation

Sleep better and feel more relaxed with free mindfulness exercises, guided meditations, mindfulness worksheets, and more. 

Mindfulness Exercises for Sleep and Relaxation about Lorem Ipsum

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National Sleep Foundation Sleep Diary

Are you curious about how your lifestyle impacts your sleep? Do you have problems sleeping and want to figure out why? Keeping a sleep diary may help you understand if there are habits or patterns hurting your sleep health. Click below for a Sleep Diary from the NSF.

Free Sleep Diary

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Spark Meaningful, Authentic Conversations

Communication is a key to maintaining healthy relationships. The Scrubbing In blog post below gives 12 tips to spark more meaningful, authentic conversations! 

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Healthy Personal Relationship Resources

Love is Respect is the national resource to disrupt and prevent unhealthy relationships. The organization provides support to concerned partners, friends and family, teachers, and counselors through their resources as well as via phone, text, and live chat. The website below has resources related to setting healthy boundaries, understanding consent, dating 101, personal safety, and supporting others. 

Visit Love is Respect

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