Eileen Cormier, PhD, RN, CNE is a committed educator and researcher who includes students from nursing and other disciplines in her research. Her research examines decision-making processes in a variety of contexts, including parents of children with ADHD, parents who choose to deviate from the standard pediatric immunization schedule, students who become pregnant while attending nursing school, African American women who have contracted HIV from their male partners, and nurses responding to complex critical care and psychiatric scenarios.
She also engages in collaborative research focused on deliberate practice interventions, mental health literacy, depressive symptoms in post-partum mothers and factors influencing child obesity. She has received funding from the American Psychiatric Nurses Foundation.
PhD, University of Florida
MN, Dalhousie University
MScN, Boston College
BN, University of New Brunswick
Registered Nurse, Florida
Guardian of the Flame Award, The Burning Spear, Florida State University (2011).
Shelton, S., & Cormier, E. (2018). Depressive symptoms and influencing factors in low-risk mothers. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 39, 251-258.
Park, S., & Cormier, E. (2018). Influence of siblings on child health behaviors and obesity: A systematic review. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 2069-2081.
Cormier, E., & Whyte, J. (2016). Comparison of second-degree and Traditional baccalaureate nursing students' performance in managing acute patient deterioration events. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 10.
Whyte, J., & Cormier, E. (2014). A deliberate practice-based training protocol for critical care nurses. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 10, 595-640. Retrieved from http://www.nursingsimulation.org/current
Cormier, E. (2012). How parents make decisions to use medication to treat their child's ADHD: A grounded theory study. Journal of the American Association of the Psychiatric Nurses Association, 18, 345-356.