Trials, Systems Biology, Infectious Disease, and Neural Development and Disorders

Dr. Miao is tenured Professor of College of Nursing (CON) as well as the C-PSHE Director of Data Science & Digital Intelligence (DSDI) at Florida State University. With PhD in engineering and MS in biostatistics, his expertise has been primarily developed in statistical learning, network analysis, time series, and big complex data with applications in digital health, clinical trials, systems biology, infectious diseases, and neural development and disorders. He has led or been leading 7 research projects as PI or Co-PI, including NSF/NIH funded programs. He has collaborated with many biomedical/clinical investigators on 20+ NIH funded projects, including multiple R01 awards and research center awards. He previously served as the Modeling Core Co-Director of the Center for Biodefense Immune Modeling (CBIM, 2010-2015) and Associate Director for Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Core for the Center for AIDS Research (CFAR, 2013-2015) at University of Rochester. He was the Director of Data Science Education Program (DSEP) and the Director of Biostatistics Collaboration and Data Service Center (CBCDS) at UTHealth School of Public Health (2017-2021). He has published 80+ peer-reviewed journal articles on both prestigious statistical, artificial intelligence, and biomedical journals (e.g., JASA, AOS, SIAM REV, IEEE TPAMI). He designed and/or implemented more than 15 clinical trials for drug/device development or N-of-1 individualized interventions. He served or is serving on multiple international/national conference committees, NIH/NSF grant review panels, and he was the Associate Editor of BMC Systems Biology as well as the former Secretary of Houston Chapter of the American Statistical Association (HACASA, 2016-2020). Also, Dr. Miao has developed and taught more than 10 different courses, (co-)supervised 5 post-doctoral fellows, and (co-)mentored 20+ graduate students.
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, 2011
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, 2007
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA., 2004
M.S., Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2002
B.S., Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1999
IEEE EMBS Best Paper Award, Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2021
Provost’s Multidisciplinary Award, University of Rochester, 2008
David P. Byar Young Investigator Award, ASA Biometrics, 2008
Outstanding Student Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 1996-1999
Zhong, C., Xu, L., Peng, H.L., Tam, S., Xu, L., Dahlstrom, K.L., Wu, C.F., Fu, S., Chan, W., Sturgis, E.M., Ramondetta, L., Rong, L., Lairson, D.R., Miao, H., “An Economic and Disease Transmission Model of Human Papillomavirus and Oropharyngeal Cancer in Texas”, Scientific Reports 11(1), 1802 (2021)
Miao, H., Gao, Q., Feng, H., Zhong, C., Zhu, P., Wu, L., Swartz, M. D., Luo, X., DeSantis, S. M., Lai, D., Bauer, C., Pérez, A., Rong, L., Lairson, D., “Mathematical Modeling of Business Reopening when Facing SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Protection, Cost and Risk”, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 6(35), 1-16 (2020)
Lu, N., Li, T., Ke, L., Miao, H., “A Deep Learning Scheme for Motor Imagery Classification based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering 25(6), 566-576 (2017)
Lu, N., Miao, H., “Clustering Tree-Structured Data on Manifold”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 38(10), 1956-1968 (2016)
Lu, N., Miao, H., “Structure Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Pattern Clustering and Classification”, Neurocomputing 171, 400-411 (2016)
Miao, H., Wu, H., Xue, H., “Generalized Ordinary Differential Equation Models”, Journal of the American Statistical Association 109(508), 1672-1682 (2014)
Lu, N., Silva, J., Gu, Y., Gerber, S., Wu, H., Lord, E., Gelbard, H., Dewhurst, S., Miao, H., “Directional Histogram Ratio at Random Probes: A Local Thresholding Criterion for Capillary Images”, Pattern Recognition 46(7), 1933-1948 (2013)
Miao, H., Jin, X., Perelson, A.S., Wu, H., “Evaluation of Multitype Mathematical Models for CFSE-labeling Experiment Data”, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74(2), 300-326 (2012)
Miao, H., Xia, X., Perelson, A.S., and Wu H., “On Identifiability of Nonlinear ODE Models with Applications in Viral Dynamics”, SIAM Review 53(1), 3-39 (2011).
Miao, H., Hollenbaugh, J., Zand, M., Holden-Wiltse, J., Mosmann, T.R., Perelson, A.S., Wu, H., Topham, D.J., “Quantifying the Early Immune Response and Adaptive Immune Response Kinetics in Mice Infected by Influenza A Virus”, Journal of Virology 84(13), 6687-6698 (2010)
Xue, H., Miao, H., and Wu, H., “Sieve Estimation of Constant and Time-varying Coefficients in Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation Models by Considering both Numerical Error and Measurement Error”, Annals of Statistics 38(4), 2351-2387 (2010)
Miao, H., Dykes, C., Demeter, L.M., and Wu, H., “Differential Equation Modeling of HIV Viral Fitness Experiments: Model Identification, Model Selection, and Multi-model Inference”, Biometrics 65(1), 292-300 (2009).
ASCENT: Multimodal chest e-tattoo with customized IC and deep learning algorithm for tracking and predicting progressive pneumonia, NSF/ECCS 2133106, $1,500,000 (Co-PI), 2021-2025
Combination Therapy of Home-based Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Mindfulness-based Meditation for Self-management of Clinical Pain and Symptoms in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis, NIH/NINR, R01NR019051, $2,413,619 (Co-I), 2020-2025