James Whyte IV is currently a Professor of Nursing at the Florida State University College of Nursing in Tallahassee Florida. He began his professional career in the Marines, and was later selected for a commissioning program during which he selected Nurse Corps option. He served in a variety of nursing roles during his Navy career, until he retired after 22 years of service. Throughout his academic career he has maintained an active clinical practice as a nurse practitioner. He holds a doctorate in Nursing from the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and a Doctorate in Public Health from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom. His research has two primary foci. The first is focused on the development of expert performance in nurses and other healthcare professionals. The second is in the care of people living with HIV/AIDS. His work has resulted in advances in measurement and cultivation of expert performance in nurses, the classification of novice clinical behaviors and cognitions and through novel approaches to the care of people living with HIV/AIDS.
PhD, University of Leicester
Doctor of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University
Master of Science in Nursing, Clarkson College
Bachelor of Science, University of South Carolina
Family and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-ANCC
Distinguished Scholar and Fellow (FNAP) of the National Academies of Practice (2016)
Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (2018)
Whyte, J., Whyte, M., & Hires, K. (2015). A Study of HIV Positive Undocumented African Migrants’ Access to Health Services in the UK. Aids Care. AIDS Care, Epub ahead of print.
Cuervo, M., & Whyte, J. (2015). The effect of relationship characteristics on HIV risk behaviors and prevention strategies in young gay and bisexual men. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.
Whyte, J., & Cormier, E. (2014). A deliberate-practice based training protocol for student nurses. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 10(12), 617-625.
Whyte, J., Pickett-Hauber, R., Ward, P. (2014). The effect of a Critical Care internship experience on the clinical performance of novice nurses: Closing the gap with experienced nurses? Journal of Nurse Education and Practice. 4(11), 74-81
Harris, K., Bradshaw, G., & Whyte, J. (2014). A prescription for misunderstanding. Journal of Nurse Education and Practice, 4(5). 1-6.
Whyte, J., Eccles, D., Whyte, M., Cormier, E., Pappas, C., & Cesnales, N. (2013). HIV/AIDS case managers in federally funded institutions in Florida. Journal of Social Work in Healthcare, 52(9), 808-825.
Lee E., Park, H., Whyte, J, Kim, J.,& Park, S. (2013) Identifying Core Nursing Sensitive Outcomes associated with the Most Frequently used NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses for Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease in Korea. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2013 Nov 22. doi: 10.1111/ijn.12224.
Whyte, J. Hauber, R., Eccles, D., Ward, P., & Harris, K. (2013). A study of the relationship between standardized testing, real-time and simulated clinical
performance in graduating baccalaureate nurses. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 9(12), 563-570.
Lee, E., Park, H., Whyte, J., Jeong, E. (2013). Information and communication technology (ICT) students’ health education in 1st to 6th grade South Korea elementary schools. Journal of School Health, 83(9), 647-653