Laurie Abbott PhD, RN, DipACLM, CNE, PHNA-BC, FAAN is a board-certified advanced public health nurse with experience in various acute care and community settings. Her research interests include advancing health equity and reducing chronic disease risk and exacerbation among underserved rural populations. Dr. Abbott’s research experiences included conducting randomized controlled trials and cluster randomized trials that tested evidence-based public health interventions to promote health and reduce disease risk and exacerbation among people living in rural community settings.
PhD, Florida Atlantic University
MSN in Nursing Education, Florida State University
BSN, Florida State University
Lifestyle Medicine, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Health Disparity Research Certificate, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Public Health Practice Certificate, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Certificate of Preparedness for Online Teaching at Saint Xavier University
Registered Nurse, Florida
ANCC Board Certification: Advanced Public Health Nurse, (PHNA-BC)
DipACLM: Diplomate of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
CNE: Certified Nurse Educator
Elected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
Faculty Poster Award - 2nd Place, International Rural Nursing Conference (2023)
Public Health Nursing Section Junior Investigator Award, American Public Health Association (2018).
Provost's Faculty Travel Grant, Florida State University (2017).
Dissertation Award, First Place, Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) (2016).
The Provost's Certificate of Recognition for Publishing, Florida Atlantic University (2015).
Dissertation Year Award, Florida Atlantic University (2014).
Outstanding Senior Award, Florida State University College of Nursing (1994).
Graven, L. J., Durante, A., Abbott, L. L., Bassi, E., Howren, M. B., & Grant, J. S. (2024). Self-Care Problems and Management Strategies Experienced by Rural Patient/Caregiver Dyads Living with Heart Failure: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 39(3), 207-218.
Graven, L. J., Abbott, L., & Schluck, G. (2023). The Coping in Heart Failure (COPE-HF) Partnership Intervention for Heart Failure Symptoms: Implications for Palliative Care. Progress in Palliative Care, 31(3), 169-178.
Lemacks, J., Abbott, L. S., Navarro, C., McCoy, S., et al. (2023). Passive recruitment reach of a lifestyle management program to address obesity in the deep south during the COVID-19 pandemic. AIMS Public Health, 10(1), 116-128.
Graven, L. J., Abbott, L. S., Boel-Studt, S., Grant, J. S., & Buck, H. G. (2023). Classifying Heart Failure Caregivers as Adequately or Inadequately Resourced to Care: A Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Palliative Care, 38(1), 62-70.
McDougall, G. J., Monroe, T., Keenan, K. A., Carter, M. A., & Abbott, L. S. (2022). The Impact of Stereotype Threat on Memory and Cognition in Older Adults. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(11), 1016-1026.
Abbott, L., Graven, L. J., Schluck, G., & Lemacks, J. (2022). A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis to Explore Diabetes Self-care Factors in a Rural Sample. Healthcare, 10(8), 1-10.
Abbott, L. S., Lemacks, J. L., & Greer, T. (2022). Development and Evaluation of a Measure for Social Support Provided by Friends during Lifestyle Management Programs. Heathcare, 10(5), 901.
Abbott, L. S., Graven, L. J., & Schluck, G. (2022). Factors Associated with Diabetes Outcomes among Rural African Americans. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 33(2), 751-766.
Abbott, L. S., Killian, M. O., Graven, L. J., & Williams, K. J. (2022). Latent Profile Analysis of Stress and Resilience among Rural Women: A Cross-sectional Study. Public Health Nursing, 39(3), 536-544.
Abbott, L. S., Slate, E. H., Graven, L. J., Lemacks, J., & Grant, J. S. (2021). Fatalism, Social Support, and Perceptions of Self-care among Rural African Americans Living with Diabetes and Pre-diabetes. Nursing Reports, 30.
Grant, J. S., Graven, L. J., Schluck, G., & Abbott, L. S. (2021). Psychosocial Predictors of Adverse Outcomes in Rural Heart Failure Caregivers. Rural and Remote Health, 21(3), 30.
Lemacks, J. L., Greer, T., Aras, S., Abbott, L. S., Willis, D., Gipson, J., & Elasri, M. (2021). Social Determinants of Health Related to Stay-At-Home Order Adherence and Social Distancing Attitudes among a Diverse Deep South Population. BMC Public Health, 21(2145), 1-11.
Abbott, L. S., Graven, L. J., Schluck, G., & Williams, K. (2021). Stress, Social Support, and Resilience in Younger Rural Women: A Structural Equation Model. Healthcare, 9(7), 812.
Lemacks, J. L., Abbott, L. S., Greer, T., Gunn, R., Bryant, A., Bradford, L., & Ralston, P. (2021). The Church Bridge Project Focus Group Results: African American Perspectives of Weight Management Programs to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors. BMC Nutrition, 7(39), 1-8.
Graven, L., Abbott, L. S., Dickey, S., & Schluck, G. (2021). The Influence of Gender and Race on Heart Failure Self-Care. Chronic Illness, 17(2), 69-80.
Abbott, L. S., Slate, E. H., & Graven, L. J. (2020). Cardiovascular Disease Risk among Rural Residents Living with Diabetes and Pre-diabetes: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Public Health Nursing, 37(1), 16-24.
Graven, L. J., Boel-Studt, S., Buck, H. G., Abbott, L. S., & Grant, J. S. (2020). Heart Failure Caregiver Self-Care: A Latent Class Analysis. Clinical Nursing Research, E-pub ahead of print, 30.
Grant, J. S., Graven, L. J., Abbott, L. S., & Schluck, G. (2020). Predictors of Depressive Symptoms in Heart Failure Caregivers. Home Healthcare Now, 38(1), 40-47.
Lemacks, J. L., Abbott, L. S., Bryant, A. N., Choi, H., & Ralston, P. A. (2020). The Church Bridge Project: Lessons Learned from Comparing the outcomes of an Adapted Church-based Weight Management Intervention Targeting African American Adults. Journal of Epidemiological Research, 52(7), 37.
Abbott, L. S., Slate, E. H., & Lemacks, J. L. (2019). Influencing cardiovascular health habits in the rural, deep south: results of a cluster randomized trial. Health Education Research, 34(2), 200-208.
Martorella, G., Kostic, M., Lacasse, A., Schluck, G., & Abbott, L. S. (2019). Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of emergency nurses toward people with chronic pain. SAGE Open Nursing, 5, 1-10.
Graven, L. J., Azuero, A., Abbott, L. S., & Grant, J. S. (2019). Psychosocial Factors Related to Adverse Outcomes in Heart Failure Caregivers: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 35(2), 135-148.
Graven, L. J., Gordon, G., Keltner, J. G., Abbott, L. S., & Bahorski, J. (2018). Efficacy of a social support and problem-solving intervention on heart failure self-care: A pilot study. Patient Education and Counseling, 101(2), 266-275.
Schluck, G., Wei, W., Whyte, J., & Abbott, L. (2018). Emergency department arrival times in Florida heart failure patients utilizing Fisher-Rao curve registration: A descriptive population-based study. Heart & Lung, 47(5), 458-464.
Abbott, L. S., Schluck, G. G., Graven, L. J., & Martorella, G. (2018). Exploring the intervention effect moderators of a cardiovascular health promotion study among rural African Americans. Public Health Nursing, 35(2), 126-134.
Abbott, L., & Slate, E. (2018). Improving Cardiovascular Disease Knowledge among Rural Participants: The Results of a Cluster Randomized Trial. Healthcare, 6(3), 1-9. doi:10.3390/healthcare6030071
Abbott, L., Williams, C., Slate, E., & Gropper, S. (2018). Promoting heart health among rural African Americans. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 33(1), E8-E14.
Lemacks, J., James, R., Abbott, L., Choi, H., Parker, A., Bryant, A., Ralston, P., Rigsby, A., & Gilner, P. (2018). The Church Bridge Project: An Academic-Community Perspective of a Church-Based Weight Management Pilot Intervention among Young Adult African Americans. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 12(1S), 23-34.
Lemacks, J., James, R., Abbott, L., Choi, H., Parker, A., Bryant, A., Ralston, P., Rigsby, A., & Gilner, P. (2018). The Church Bridge Project: An Academic-Community Perspective of a Church-Based Weight Management Pilot Intervention among Young Adult African Americans. Progress Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 12(1S), :5-6.
Abbott, L., & Elliott, L. (2017). Eliminating health disparities through action on the social determinants of health: A systematic review of home visiting in the United States, 2005-2015. Public Health Nursing, 34(1), 2-30.
Abbott, L. S. (2015). Evaluation of nursing interventions designed to impact knowledge, behaviors and health outcomes for rural African Americans: An integrative review. Public Health Nursing, 32(5), 408-420.
Abbott, L. S., & Williams, C. L. (2015). Influences of social determinants of health on African Americans living with HIV in the rural southeast: A qualitative metasynthesis. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 26(4), 340-346.
Bulecza, S., & Abbott, L. (2023). Health Planning for Local Public Health Departments. In Christine L. Savage, Gordon L. Gillespie, & Erin Whitehouse (Eds.), Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations (Third Edition). F. A. Davis.
Bulecza, S., Abbott, L., & Little, B. (2020). Health Planning for Local Public Health Departments. In Christine L. Savage, Joan E. Kub, & Sarah L. Groves (Eds.), Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations (Second Edition). F. A. Davis.