Sabrina L. Dickey PhD, RN is a nurse scientist and committed to the study of health disparities within the Black population. Her focus is on the health disparity of prostate cancer among black men and health and illness communication within Black families. Dr. Dickey’s background in nursing education and family relations provides a foundation for addressing the physiological and psychosocial issues that serve as barriers for attaining optimal health within vulnerable populations. She has led intervention studies to improve prostate cancer knowledge among Black men as well as the development of the instrument, “Family Cancer Communication Scale” designed to measure the depth and presence of cancer communication in families. Her implementation of quantitative and mixed methods studies enhances the breadth of data for producing positive health outcomes. She has acquired several internal grants from the University, in addition to funding from the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa.
PhD (Family Relations), Florida State University
MSN (Nurse Educator), Florida State University
BSN, Florida State University
Registered Nurse, State of Florida
Whyte, J., Whyte, M., & Dickey, S. (In press). "A Study of HIV Positive Undocumented
African Migrants' Efforts to Access Health Services in the UK". Journal of Nursing Education and Practice.
Dickey, S., Ouma, C., Whyte, J. I., & Whitmore, A. (September/October2018). Healthcare Empowerment and Decisional Self-Efficacy in African American men. Health Behavior Policy and Review.
Dickey, S., & Ogunsanya, M. (2018). Quality of Life among Black Prostate Cancer Survivors: An Integrative Review. American Journal of Men's Health, https://doi.org/10.1177/15579883187808
Dickey, S., Whitmore, A., & Campbell, E. (2017). The relation among prostate cancer knowledge and psychosocial factors for prostate cancer screening among African American men: A correlational study. AIMS: Public Health, 4 (5), 19. http://www.aimspress.com/article/10.3934/publichealth.2017.5.446. doi:10.3934/publichealth.2017.5.446.
Dickey, S., Cormier, E., Whyte, J., & Ralston, P. A. (2016). Intrapersonal and Community Factors Associated with Prostate Cancer Screening Among African American Men in the United States. Nursing: Research and Reviews, 19. https://dx.doi.org/10.2147/NRR.S96399
Dickey, S., Cormier, E., Whyte, J. I., Lucinda, G., & Ralston, Penny, A. (2016). Demographic, Social Support and Community Differences in Predictors of African American (AA) and White Men Receiving Prostate Cancer Screening in the U.S. Public Health Nursing, n/a, 1-10. http://dx.doi.org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu./10.1111/phn.12245 doi:10.1111/phn.12245
FUNDED GRANTS (current):
Dickey, S., & Dutton, M. (May 2017). Cancer and Health Promotion Communication: Understanding the patterns and differences in communication within the Black diaspora of prostate cancer survivors and their families. Submitted to GMaP region 2 Pilot Funding in Cancer and Cancer Health Disparities Award. Total award 10,000.