FSU Student Handbook
2024-2025 BSN Student Handbook
Essential Qualifications - Professional & Teaching Standards
2023-2024 Graduate Handbook
2022-2023 Graduate Handbook Supplement AGACNP
2023-2024 Graduate Handbook Supplement EHSL
2023-2024 Graduate Handbook Supplement PMHNP
Policy Number |
Policy Name |
S-1 | This policy has been retired and is no longer in effect. |
S-2 | Criminal Background Check |
S-3 |
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities |
S-4 | Clinical Clearance; Immunization Form |
S-5 | Substance Abuse |
S-6 | Class Attendance |
S-7 | Directed Individual Study |
S-8 | Assignment of Incomplete Grade |
S-9 | Clinical Preceptors |
S-10 | Student Academic Honesty |
S-11 | Grade Appeals |
S-12 | Student Grievance |
S-13 | Removal of Students From Clinical Setting |
S-14 | Dismissal of Students from Nursing Major for Reasons Other than Poor Grades |
S-15 | Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan for Nursing Students |
S-16 |
Required Professional Behaviors |
U-1 | Grading Policies |
U-2 | Honors in the Nursing Major |
U-3 | This policy has been retired and is no longer in effect. |
U-4 | Clinical Priority |
U-5 | Attire for Clinical Laboratory Experiences |
U-6 | This policy has been retired and is no longer in effect. |
U-7 | This policy has been retired and is no longer in effect. |
U-8 | Drug Math |
U-9 | Mid-Curricular Clinical Evaluation |
U-10 | Academic Testing Program |
U-11 | Student Attendance at SNA Conventions |
U-12 | Progression in Undergraduate Program |
U-13 | Readmission to Undergraduate Program |
U-14 | Late Drop |
U-15 | This policy has been retired and is no longer in effect. |
G-1 | Academic Progression in Graduate Program |
G-2 | Graduation Requirements – Graduate Program |
G-3 | Graduate Assistants |
G-4 | Transfer Graduate Credits |
G-5 | Project Guidelines for Designation of Major Professor (DNP Program) |
Note: S = Polices for undergraduate and graduate students; U = policies for undergraduate students; G= policies for graduate students |